
teyvdy ohivc arrzsy

Even arrows, nine people are not even that twenty-seven Arrow Arrow bursts, the damage to the monthly Huajian Shi can not count, but so close to the archers Headshot 27 times ? That really is a turn three iron also is no way ah, the monk clasped Cabriolet railings, has already done to prepare the house of reincarnation. Be it within 0.0 seconds of that time, there has been a miracle ! A series of superimposed injury let hp instant monk falling to 25%, but this does not end, because this is only the second triple arrow arrows only, when all the archers shot a third arrow would readily understand toms outlet off when suddenly countless white Huaguang falling from the sky, lonely monk opened his eyes, the system prompts : Recovery +10811 points hp!

Monk turned around only to find the problem, the skills to recover, it is far from that of a mermaid readily Cang debris. This is 25% of hp instantly added to 100 percent and additional tips blessed state, 305 points per second automatic recovery hp! Even after three arrows found monk full hp, these 10 people are stunned, but only a moment, nine archers broke out, the moment not hesitate to launch a Pente storm - unite ! Monk is confident that it was a plus over 10,000 points hp looks is not the limit, but also to restore the second, so of their own, who can kill, the moment to learn movie lines, shouting words: Who dares kill toms on sale...... is not it, Big Brother, also playing for real, toms sale this little child with physical Pente storm it?

The two side of the name, the monk looked at the back side ofnine archers cohesion Pente storms have a mind to cry ! The accompanying scream, monk Yang fell to the moment on the convertible top, you know, the monk level is not low, but this group is responsible for patrolling the animal since it is the language of God 's wish that nine archers, any one toms sale no more than the difference, let alone nine ultimate use of non- transfer skills? Close headshot, even Pharaoh 's weigh, let alone a monk.

