"You do, you just make love me, love me hard from now on only a chi straightener put your heart on it!" The Luo Yan cupped her face with both hands, with bright Mouguang deeply chi Ningzhu her gentle eyes and tempting, if the accumulation of the nostalgic and the corners, the spouses of the Past and Present. "chi, this world, who can abandon all poor blue sky under their lives with you a common destiny? Me, and only me! chi, I do not want you to remember so much, I want you to remember the word, and that is: I do not have any things, but never without you! "
"Fierce, I have been afraid to love again, because my heart hurt too heavy, too heavy the" chi hair straightener hand ring around his waist, could not resist was crying in his arms. "Fierce, you do not know the favorite but hurt you the deepest kind of pain people how unbearable, that is, every breath can drive if your heart is torn, chi generally dull incomparable"
"Charm, stop crying, and I believe that time is the best healing agent, I'll give you three years of time chi iron to precipitate a heart-breaking three years time, I will be your 'heaven on earth 'chains across the country, I also develop other profitable industry, I want you to become the whole world's richest chi addition, I would also like to cultivate their own forces as soon as possible, I let myself be powerful, strong all not even think about you away from me. "the Luo Yan chi edge patting her back to comfort her, while solemnly talking about their own ideas, confident light unbeatable the deep Heimou chi bloom. "Charm With my ability, I said some can do, you have to believe me."